Solarta: Photovoltaic solar energy, solar thermal energy, solar energy Mallorca, renovable energy Mallorca, solar modules

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Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica
Asociación de Empresarios de Instalaciones Eléctricas y de Telecomunicaciones de Mallorca
Federación de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Mallorca
1º Solar system Autoconsumo
Verified by GESA
Solarta Certified according to
ISO 9001

Solar generator
Generador solar
The PV generators (all PV modules) capture the solar radiation and transform it into electricity. They are grouped according to the voltage of the direct current of 12 V, 24 V or 48 V, depending on the system size. They can be installed on any surface without shading (roofs, ground ...) and they have an estimated service life of 40 years.

Wind turbine

De turbinas eólicas

Transforms the energy transmitted by the wind via the rotor into electricity. In case of combined systems, there are solar modules and a wind turbine, mainly providing energy during winter time.

Note: In Mallorca the average wind speeds are rather low and there are only few sites where it is profitable to install a wind turbine.



It is the centrepiece of the system, where the electricity is controlled depending on demand and generation. It transforms the direct current of the battery into alternating current of 230 V 50 Hz. It provides energy when needed.

In cases of excessive demand or when to protect the battery, the device asks for help from external sources, distributing the battery load and thus works as a charger.

Charge controller

Charge controller

Conventional systems directly store the electricity generated by the solar modules / wind turbine in the battery. The charge regulator takes care of controlling the battery and prevents overloads and excessive discharges.

Grid-tied inverter
Grid-tied inverter

The electricity generated by the modules / wind turbine in the most modern systems is directly consumed (i. e. without being stored) if there is energy demand.

Therefore the voltage must be directly transformed from DC to AC (230 V). This is realised by the grid-tied inverter. If no energy is required, the energy is stored in the battery via the main inverter.


The electric energy produced by the PV modules / wind turbine can be stored, so that it is possible to obtain electricity whenever you need it. Its size is normally dimensioned for running autonomously for 2-5 days.

Normally, it is composed of 6, 12 or 24 units, with 2 V per unit, in order to match systems of 12 V, 24 V or 48 V.

Diesel generator
Diesel generator

In order to have a supply guarantee of electricity, a generator is installed (for example run on diesel), which permits to charge the batteries in emergency cases and helps in times of peak electricity demand. This element can be integrated in the solar energy system as to operate in automatic mode.

Combined heat and power system
Combined heat and power system

Instead of a diesel generator it is possible to install combined heat and power (CHP) systems for systems where there is an elevated heating requirement. Based on propane, the CHP system can generate both electricity and heat. It can use up to 88% of the energy contained in the fuel in contrast to 48 % used by conventional systems.

SOLARTA - Avda. dels Pujols, 13 - Parc Empresarial d'Arta - E-07570 Artá/ Mallorca - Tel +34 971 835333 Fax +34 971 835404 -
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